Windows Key Auslesen - Freeware

Windows Key Viewer - the quick overview for admins

In many discussions with our customers, the need for a simple, portable tool that reads out the most important licence information for Windows and all other Microsoft products in seconds and provides a clear overview has been expressed time and again. The wishes of our customers are very important to us. For this reason, we are now making just such a tool available completely free of charge.

Read Windows Key

Using the Windows Key Viewer is quick and uncomplicated, just like using the Client Management Suite ACMP. Start the free Windows Key Viewer with just one click and scan for the licence keys of all installed Microsoft products.

The displayed data can be exported with a further click or copied directly to the clipboard.

What's special about this Key Viewer:

You can also use the Aagon Windows Key Viewer via the command line. To do this, call up the .exe file with the "SaveToFile" parameter and enter a file name (or a complete path).

AagonWindowsKeyViewer.exe /SaveToFile "Filename.xml" or
AagonWindowsKeyViewer.exe /SaveToFile "Filename.txt"

The formatting is automatically adjusted based on the specified extension (xml or txt) so that you always receive a readable result. You can start the parameter specification with either a / or a -. The inverted commas for file names are necessary if the file name or the specified path contains spaces.

This Windows Key Viewer contains a very special piece of Aagon! The employees of Aagon GmbH come from many different countries. We celebrate that! That's why you can choose from the languages spoken here at Aagon by clicking on the language button!

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