ACMP Inventory
The complete overview for hard- and software
Licence management helps to save costs and be legally protected. In many companies, hidden costs lie dormant in the form of over-licensing. Over-licensing occurs when IT purchases more licences than are actually used in practice.
Depending on the scope and licence costs, licence management can account for a large proportion of the total IT budget. Over-licensing has various causes. IT administrators often lose track of licence coverage and consumption and quite a few then have the attitude "Better too much than too little!" This quickly leads to unnecessary software purchases.
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Once it is known which software assets are available, IT can begin to utilise further potential. This includes the possibility of standardising software, reducing the number of products used in a targeted manner, purchasing update versions instead of significantly more expensive full versions, making installations dependent on the number of licences available or automatically uninstalling products when departments change.
The different licensing regulations, for example volume licences, site/campus licences or company licences, are taken into account in the licence management as well as the different licence classes and the licence metrics from the full version to the upgrade to the classic Client Access Licence (CAL). Together with lawyer Kjell Vogelsang, Aagon has revised the popular legal guide. We are happy to provide you with this "Legal Guide to Licence Management" free of charge. Background information and practical examples of the legal framework are just two of the interesting points that we have jointly prepared for you on around 20 pages.
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