IT-Helpdesk - Aagon

IT Helpdesk


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The helpdesk is the simplest and most efficient way to manage incoming problems, questions and requests from users of an IT environment. Processing these messages, categorising them and evaluating them is the task of a good helpdesk. Ideally, it would be desirable - but unrealistic - for all problems to be dealt with directly by first level support at the first point of contact. Good IT ensures that no information is lost and that every support employee knows exactly what needs to be done and what has already been done.

What once began with a few lists on paper is now a full-blown database. Traditional IT support still receives enquiries by phone or email, but further processing based on an issue tracking system is fundamentally different from the "paper trail".



Our solution for you
Fully integrated
Easy to evaluate
Enables uncomplicated contact between customers and IT support staff at the click of a mouse
Intuitive operation

Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.

Our recommendation

Even less experienced users are increasingly using the option of sending support messages by e-mail. E-mail has several advantages for the customer. On the one hand, he is no longer forced to wait on the phone until a support employee is available, and on the other hand, it is much easier to express the problem more precisely in words without the time pressure of the phone.

On the other hand, the support employee is less likely to be interrupted by incoming phone calls. A good helpdesk system such as ACMP processes incoming emails and integrates them into the helpdesk process.



The history of previously processed tickets also forms the basis for solution approaches for comparable error descriptions and also identifies malfunctioning client systems and employees who may still have difficulties with the functionality of applications.

The quality of a well-functioning helpdesk emphasises good customer loyalty and helps IT to improve its image. The importance of high-quality IT support should not be underestimated under any circumstances.

ACMP Inventory

The complete overview for hard- and software

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ACMP Helpdesk

Reliable support needs a reliable ticket system

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Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.

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