Green IT/Green ICT - Aagon

Why Green IT?


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Every year, companies literally burn through several thousand euros when PCs, printers and other electronic devices are in standby mode or are unnecessarily left switched on overnight. Doing business successfully and protecting the environment at the same time? Companies that invest in green IT not only save money, but also make a significant contribution to environmental protection!

The low-wattage ranges of modern devices also add up over the year and represent a not insignificant item in your company's budget. The Premium Client Command Green IT is now exclusively available for Aagon customers through ACMP Desktop Automation. Save up to 45 per cent of your energy costs.

Our solution for you 
Prefabricated or individual energy-saving profiles
Intuitive UI guidance
Energy savings of over 45 percent possible
Available exclusively and free of charge for ACMP Desktop Automation customers

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Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.

Our recommendation

Benefit from the finely customizable setting options with the Client Command GreenIT administration, which exploits all the energy-saving potential of your IT.



Then distribute the optimized power scheme with Apply power scheme.

Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.

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