Documentation / Archiving

IT documentation


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The use of IT documentation software is helpful for fully documenting the life cycle of clients until they are decommissioned. Because when you manage IT, the data of decommissioned computers is also relevant - especially for audits. Specialised IT documentation software is the basis for a functioning IT infrastructure and well-founded decisions.

Our solution for you
Completely document the life cycle of a client
Outsourcing a client with just a few clicks
Archiving of documents from decommissioned devices possible
Report with key hardware data and decommissioning date

Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.

Our recommendation

A suitable “Retired Clients” report directly in ACMP shows you the most important hardware date and the decommissioning date. This allows you to find retired clients quickly.


ACMP Retired Clients is designed to work with Windows clients and servers as well as Macs, Linux clients and manually maintained devices.


Personalized access rights at all levels

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ACMP Retired Clients

From purchase to decommissioning - the entire lifecycle in view

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Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.

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