Client Commands help you to easily create automations for your IT. Client commands are individual scripts that summarise and automate activities. This allows problems to be actively recognised and rectified before the user even notices them. One example is the clean-up of hard disks with regard to temporary files in the event of capacity bottlenecks and the cleaning up of unwanted installations.
Here you will find an overview of quality-assured client commands for use with ACMP.
The client command scans the executing agent in your network. The local data carriers are determined with the help of a WMI query and questionable files are checked with a Powershell statement. The results and the path affected by the scan can be viewed in the report.
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The Client Command automates the detection of EMOTET using the Emocheck 2.0 tool from Japan CERT. To detect an infection, the tool scans running Windows processes and checks them for the naming scheme. The date and the result of the scan are automatically recorded in custom fields.
This Client Command uses the data from the Office Deployment Tool and the Office Customisation Tool and allows you to quickly upgrade to Office 2019 or Office 365.
Please right-click to download.
You can simply send this client command to managed clients. It extracts the drivers and places them in the global file repository of ACMP. The focus here is not on the computer name, but on the model.
Please right-click to download.
You can execute this client command on your Admin PC. It downloads the collected drivers from the file repository to %Systemdrive%ACMP_Driver. From here you can then import them as required in OS Deployment under Drivers.
Please use a right click to download.
This client command for ACMP enables the centralised removal of Superfish bloatware on Lenovo computers.
Please right-click to download.
The Premium Client Command GreenIT is now exclusively available for Aagon customers through ACMP Desktop Automation. Save up to 45% of your energy costs.
You can use this client command to first export and then delete the MSDT registery keys.
MSDT is also deactivated.
However, the CC also offers the option of reactivating MSDT and restoring the Registery keys.
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