ACMP Testversion - Aagon

Test without obligation

The free trial version of ACMP gives you the opportunity to try out our client management solution. No matter which module you are interested in - the trial version covers everything.

Discover all the modules and start automating the management of your IT.

For how long is the trial version valid?

Your contact person will arrange the necessary test period with you personally.

Which ACMP modules are included?

All modules including all updates are available to you during the test phase.

What happens after the enquiry?

Once you have requested the trial version, one of our experts will contact you to discuss personalised support during your test phase.

Are there any system requirements for using the trial version?

Certain system requirements are necessary in order to be able to use the test version smoothly in your environment.

What support will I receive during the test phase?

Our German-speaking experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You also have access to the ACMP manual including various application examples.

What happens at the end of the trial period?

At the end of the trial period, ACMP is reset to the default settings and no further updates are included. No cancellation is necessary and there are no further costs for you.

Can the data entered in the test environment be transferred to the full version?

If you would like to purchase the full version of ACMP after the trial period, no new installation is necessary. Your previously recorded data can be transferred without any problems if desired.

Start now for free!

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