IT security is a key issue in the management of medium-sized and large client environments. Hackers and fraudsters are particularly interested in vulnerabilities caused by outdated programmes, security gaps and incorrect configurations. An IT administrator should be able to keep an eye on all these vulnerabilities in an uncomplicated, detailed and up-to-date manner.
Professionally managed security is the be-all and end-all for healthy corporate IT. ACMP vulnerability management helps an administrator to detect critical security gaps in their IT, define automatic response routines and eliminate risks with the help of CVSS and CVE-certified recommendations for action. Unwanted software on company computers can thus be identified before it becomes a problem. Insufficiently licensed programmes can attract negative attention during a software audit and also become financially costly.
ACMP Vulnerability Management is always up to date with a comprehensive scan of all available Windows clients in your IT environment. As you would expect from ACMP, this security scan can of course be scheduled so that it goes unnoticed and does not interrupt employees' working day.
What is particularly impressive is that you can define an automatic response to a detected vulnerability, enabling prompt countermeasures to be taken in the event of critical security gaps and imminent threats.
Many vulnerability management solutions require their own configuration and come with a whole range of complex requirements that your IT must adapt to in order to utilise the solution to its full extent.
ACMP Vulnerability Management is seamlessly integrated into the ACMP Suite and adapts to the needs and requirements of your IT - not the other way round. This allows you not only to integrate it into the highly efficient client commands, but also to use it specifically for all Windows clients in your hardware environment.
The powerful dashboard displays all relevant information about the security status of all Windows clients conveniently and easily with just a few clicks. ACMP Vulnerability Management clearly and comprehensibly displays the most dangerous vulnerabilities and the affected systems in detail. Sorting, grouping and filtering are child's play. By drilling down, ACMP Vulnerability Management provides detailed information on the points of concern displayed.
Patch management and vulnerability management belong together.
An extended professional CVE definition database has been integrated for ACMP vulnerability management.
Affected computers can be grouped directly into a container and linked to the necessary actions.
Yes, there is a comprehensive description (affected files, registry keys, etc.) for each vulnerability found.
Yes, there is a function that excludes recognised vulnerabilities.
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