2024-02-08 - A|C|M|P 6.5.5 - Aagon GmbH

2024-02-08 - A|C|M|P 6.5.5

Termination of the AnyDesk integration - Performance optimization - Components to be updated

Release Notes 6.5.5

With this release of ACMP we want to meet our quality standards and ensure your smooth workflow. 

Termination of the AnyDesk integration

Our consulting and support teams usually use Teamviewer for assistance. AnyDesk was integrated as a backup until this release. Due to unclear security status of this third-party solution, we have decided to remove it completely from ACMP as a precautionary measure. However, based on current information, we do not see any acute risk for our customers. 
We have also complied with BSI and manufacturer recommendations and changed the passwords of the access points. 

Performance optimization

Performance and memory management in areas of ACMP server, database connection and container calculation have been optimized with this release. In environments with a particularly large number of clients, server stability problems could occur with long server runtimes.

Components to be updated

There are no other components to update.

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