The fingerprint



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Just like a person's unmistakable fingerprint, programmes also have a unique signature. With ACMP DNA, you can automatically identify programs and bundles and assign them directly to your existing licences.

Unwanted software on company computers can thus be identified before it becomes a problem. Insufficiently licensed programmes can attract negative attention during a software audit and also become financially costly.

Your features with ACMP DNA

Identify inventorized software 
Knowledgebase for license management
Database with a large number of manufacturers
Preparations for the software audit

Full features

Identify inventorised software

ACMP DNA groups the software found into categories that help you to identify programmes of the same type, for example. Insufficiently licensed programmes can attract negative attention during a software audit and can also be financially costly.

As an add-on to ACMP Licence Management, you can see at a glance in the ACMP DNA fingerprint database which software in your company is actually licence-relevant.

In addition, ACMP DNA groups the software found into categories that help you to identify
programmes of the same type, for example.

Knowledge database for licence management

ACMP DNA serves as the perfect foundation for your licence management. With numerous features, ACMP DNA extends the functionality of ACMP licence management and thus helps IT departments to deal with impending software audits more securely and routinely.

Database with a large number of manufacturers
  • approx. 17,000 manufacturers
  • almost 700,000 software entries
  • Database with over 8,000 software products
  • more than 43,000 software product versions (only licence-relevant software)
Preparations for the software audit

Forgotten or outdated software installations can also turn out to be a risk if licences are inadequate, which can quickly attract negative attention and become a costly trap for companies.

Still have questions? We will be happy to help you or make an appointment directly.


How often is the fingerprint database updated?

The data is updated monthly.

How is new software included or recognised in the DNA catalogue?

This is inventoried by ACMP and forwarded to the DNA catalogue.

Can individual software (in-house development) also be included in the catalogue?

The software can be recorded by our support team and a review and check can be initiated.

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