In short, the ACMP helpdesk's task is to manage the ever-increasing flood of error messages, requests and tips to IT support effectively and in a time-saving manner. Where once a few sheets of paper were sufficient for listing requests, today a full-blown database is required to meet the demands of modern IT support.
At a glance, IT staff are able to view current, outstanding enquiries and process them as quickly as possible, providing all the necessary information. It goes without saying that support staff always have an overview of the previous history of support requests, their escalation process and solutions. This detailed information guarantees that errors and requests can be processed quickly, easily and in accordance with the previously defined service level agreement (SLA) by the support team.
The ACMP Helpdesk is seamlessly integrated into the ACMP Suite and utilises the information and functions already available. For many support enquiries, it is important to know the exact hardware and software configuration of the workstation in question. These are details that ACMP keeps constantly updated. The in-built remote maintenance software allows the support employee to easily connect to the workstation in question in order to provide assistance to the support enquirer or to get a more precise picture of an error situation. Thanks to remote maintenance, support staff rarely have to leave their own workstation. Remote maintenance achieves a high speed even over rather narrow-band WAN connections. This reduces any travelling times - and ultimately costs.
Even the rather inexperienced user would rather write an e-mail to support than give up the error message on the phone. The e-mail has several advantages for the customer. On the one hand, they are not forced to wait on the phone until an IT employee is free, and on the other hand, it is much easier to put the problem into words without any time pressure. The e-mail client reveals exactly when which enquiry was made and with what content. On the other side of the process, the e-mail is just as welcome as an error messenger, as it does not interrupt the current workflow compared to the telephone. The ACMP helpdesk is directly linked to the mail system and thus receives and sends messages.
You can use the ACMP Notifier to monitor tickets. To do this, you first select the editors or groups from which you want to monitor tickets and are then shown directly in an info window as soon as there are new tickets or updates to existing tickets. You can also view these messages directly in an overview in the ACMP Notifier and group them there. By double-clicking on the message, you can go directly to the selected ticket via the ACMP Console and edit it. You can access the inventoried hardware and software values of the affected computer at any time.
With the integrated web interface, your users have the option of submitting support requests via a simple browser form. You can also make certain knowledge base entries available to your users. Once the support employee is on site, they can access all tickets via extended rights in the web dialogue, view and edit them, or close them directly on site.
The CTI interface (Computer Telephony Integration) is based on the ACMP Notifier. With the help of the ACMP Phone, you can call a contact directly from the ACMP Notifier or the ACMP console and also answer calls. With a single mouse click, the support employee or administrator has all contact details and ticket information for an incoming call on the screen. It is also possible to call a selected telephone number directly from any Windows application using a freely assignable hotkey.
Mobile use via the ACMP app.
Yes, there is a web-based self-service portal for the user and a portal for the helpdesk staff.
A complete time and cost management system is integrated and can even be analysed on a category basis.
Yes, rules can be defined from which time period tickets with the corresponding escalation level should be triggered.
Yes, FAQs can be documented via the integrated knowledgebase and even made available to the end user to help them help themselves.
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